2024 Inclusive Employer
Index Survey


The survey is being run with the Diversity Council of Australia to help our industry learn how diverse and inclusive it is, what we are doing well, and what opportunities there are to improve.

Complete the 10-15 minute survey this September, and help grow a more inclusive industry for everyone.

Start survey based on your workplace sector.




Unsure which sector you belong within? See FAQ

Win a ticket to Locate25 or a Lego Space Shuttle!


  • If your employer operates within more than one of the sectors, consider which sector you are mostly frequently engaged with - for example which sector industry conferences, industry associations or projects you are predominantly engaged with.

    If there is no clear majority division, see the following survey links for ‘General Space, Spatial or Surveying Industry’:

  • The Inclusive Employer Index is a survey we are running to measure and track our progress in creating an inclusive industry that welcomes everyone. It is run by Diversity Council of Australia, through platform provider Diversity Atlas.

  • We are participating to help the industry learn from you about how diverse and inclusive our sectors are, what we are doing well, and what opportunities there are to improve.

  • We are seeking responses from any individual who works, studies or participates in the Space, Spatial or Surveying sectors – regardless of job title or background. High participation will improve the quality of our data, so we need as much of the industry as possible to complete the survey.

    If your employer involved in the provision and use of space and/or spatial related technologies or services then you should participate in this survey. This includes the following areas:

    • Geodesy

    • Cadastral surveying

    • Engineering, mine and hydrographic surveying

    • Geographic Information Services (GIS)

    • Cartography

    • Telecommunications

    • Remote Sensing

    • Environmental monitoring and meteorology

    • Satellite development

    • Satellite components and sub-systems

    • Ground systems for space technology

    • Global Positioning

    • Space/Spatial Science

    • Space/Spatial Education

    We are seeking responses from everyone who works for these employers, including any profession that supports the provision of those services, such as:

    • Legal

    • Finance

    • Insurance

    • Marketing

    • Human Resources

    • Design

    The survey is not limited to people who have undertaken formal Spatial, Surveying or Space qualifications or training.

  • The survey is anonymous, takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, and will ask you close-ended questions about your experiences of inclusion at work, as well as some questions about your demographics.

  • Participation in this survey is confidential. Only aggregated data will be reported, and responses from surveys will not be linked to any particular employee. Your data will be treated in accordance with Diversity Atlas’s Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct, DCA’s Privacy Statement.

    The survey is designed to maintain your anonymity and privacy, including the following:

    • Responses from surveys are not linked to any identifiable information – you will not be asked to provide any name, email, or contact details.

    • Data will not be stored on our systems, but with Diversity Atlas.

    • Only combined data will be reported to us once enough participants have taken the survey - we will never be able to see how any individual has answered each question.

    • There are ‘prefer not to say’ responses for demographic questions.

    • Data will be treated in accordance with Diversity Atlas’s Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct, DCA’s Privacy Statement, privacy obligations, and any applicable data protection laws.

    • Who can I talk to if I have questions about participating?

    Please contact the Research Steering Committee via the Contact form if you have any questions about participating in the Inclusive Employer Index.

  • Please contact the Research Steering Committee via the Contact form if you have any questions about participating in the Inclusive Employer Index.

  • The 2024 survey is a joint effort between peak-organisations and business leaders from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, working together on a common challenge. Organised by the Space, Spatial and Surveying Diversity Leadership Network (SSS-DLN), and overseen by a Research Steering Committee, the project has been possible thanks to the sponsors and partners.

  • A Report of the Results will be released in November, with recommended Actions for the Industry following in January 2025.

  • Yes. We encourage all current and past Space, Spatial and Surveying workforce participants to take the survey. When responding to questions that require you to reflect on your current role, we suggest you think about your most recent or most significant employment.

  • Yes. We encourage all future Space, Spatial and Surveying workforce participants  to take the survey.  When responding to questions that require you to reflect on your current role, we suggest you think about your academic experience.

  • No. Due to the personal nature of the information being collected, the raw data will not be available. Aggregated data can be made available on request.

  • The questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

  • No. You will need to complete the unique survey link for the space, spatial and surveying sectors for your response to count.

    However you can leverage the results to benchmark your organisation against the results from the broader industry.

  • No. The index does not capture any identifiable data on your name, email address, contact details, or organisation.

  • Most indigenous identities are included where they are also included in the ABS standard classification of cultural and ethnic groups.

    If your cultural background is not listed as a response option, please email Info@diversityatlas.com.au with your missing cultural background so it can be listed in future Indexes.

Previous Results

Read the the inaugural 2021 baseline survey report ‘Inclusion@Work’